"...and the greatest of these is love."   1 Corinthians 13:13

Monday, January 16, 2012

27th Birthday

Well, another year is tacked onto my age. I'm not sure at what age you start not looking forward to getting older. Maybe 30? I'll let you know when I get there. I'm finding, however, the older I get, the more fun things are. Yes, there are responsibilities, more bills, more things to keep track of. But all that aside, this is just a really fun stage in our lives and I am loving where we are right now.

My birthday for the past few years has been a little difficult, mostly because my dad's passing happened the day after my birthday 2 years ago. It never fails that around my birthday I find myself a little more teary and a bit more sensitive. Rob has done a great job of loving me through these tougher times. He is so patient with me.

Anyway, I have never liked working on my birthday, but this year I did. I actually had a good time at work. My kiddos were sweet and my coworkers made my day super fun. That night my mom came into town and she and Rob and I went to my favorite fajita restaurant in Houston, El Tiempo. You just can't beat those margaritas and fajitas. :)

The next morning, Rob and I went to our neice, Annalise's, birthday party. She was so proper about eating her cupcake...it was precious.


She did NOT like getting dirty. :)

After we got back, my mom and I headed out to get manis and pedis and run a few errands. It was good to have her here. That night we had some of our friends over for some dinner, drinks, and hang out time.

The BEST part of my night, however, came just before everyone else got to the house. Lauren, Trevor, Sarah, and Johnna Beth came over a little early since they came in from out of town. Lauren asked me to go ahead and open my birthday present, and look at what it was!!  I had JUST finished putting on makeup and had to redo it all. :) What wonderful news!!!! Can't wait to meet Baby Prewett in May!

Below are some good pics from the night. Thanks to everyone that came to celebrate with me!

My mom and "little" brother. So glad they were here with us.

Little Bishop loved hanging with Jonah. Too bad I didn't get any pics with his mom or dad. :(

I have the most fun coworkers a girl could ask for. :)

My besties. Thankful they were all able to come into town! I am one blessed girl.

My mister. He was an excellent host. Thanks for all of your hard work, boo!

The next morning, Rob and I headed to brunch with JBK and Sarah before they headed out of town. Glad we got to catch up a little bit more. Love you both.

I must say, it was a fun weekend and I am thankful for all those that helped make it that way. Here's to another great year!

More soon,

P.S. I'm pretty sure that since this event occurred in October (terrible, I know), I am going to do a huge post soon catching up on all the events I have yet to blog about. That one coming soon. :)

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